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3 Holiday Foods That Aren’t Safe for Your Pet: Tips from a Vet in Denver


As a vet in Denver, we treat a lot of pets who are feeling under the weather as a result of eating something they shouldn’t have. While many of those cases occur because a dog or cat decided to snack on something while their owners weren’t looking, others involve pets who got sick after eating something their owner gave them. 

While no pet parent would knowingly give their fur baby something that would make them sick, many don’t realize just how many human foods are not safe for animals. Nearly everyone knows that sharing chocolate with a dog is a big no-no, but there are a lot of other foods and ingredients out there that pets should never ingest because they are just as dangerous. If you’re thinking about involving your pet in your holiday festivities this year, keep reading to discover three holiday foods that you should not share with them. 




If you use onions, garlic, or even the dried powder varieties of either ingredient when cooking, you shouldn’t share your meal with your pet. Members of the onion family can cause damage to pets’ red blood cells and, in severe cases, lead to anemia. Some pets are more sensitive than others. Some dogs can handle a bit of onion or garlic just fine, while others get sick after ingesting just a minuscule amount. For this reason, it’s best to avoid sharing foods containing onion, garlic, leeks, etc. with pets altogether. 


Much to your dog’s disappointment, a tasty bone is not a safe or healthy snack. Bones are hard enough to damage the teeth. There is also a chance that they could sprinter and cause cuts or internal injuries. Additionally, bones sometimes get stuck in the throat or digestive tract, causing choking and a range of other complications. 


There are a few different ingredients in desserts that can make your pet sick, so it’s best to avoid them. Chocolate is the most obvious, but pets can also get sick after ingesting baked goods containing an artificial sweetener called xylitol. Cookies and other treats containing raisins are dangerous, too. 

When to See a Vet in Denver

Contact a vet in Denver right away if your pet has ingested any of the things listed above - even if they aren’t showing any symptoms. The sooner your pet receives appropriate care from a vet in Denver, the better the prognosis. 

If you are searching for a vet in Denver, consider Advanced Veterinary Care of Greenwood Village. We provide mobile vet services throughout the Denver area, and we would love to have your pet as our newest patient. Call now to schedule an appointment. 

Protect Your Pet: 3 Holiday Hazards to Avoid
Heartworm Disease- It only takes one mosquito!

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Phone: (303) 635-6289

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Monday - Friday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed